Transformative Mental Health Core Curriculum Enrollment (Individuals, Higher Access)

Transformative Mental Health Core Curriculum (Individuals, Higher Access)

Welcome to the enrollment form for IDHA's Transformative Mental Health Core Curriculum! This form is specifically for individuals registering within the higher access to wealth tier. To access the form for groups, click here.

Be sure to review the main curriculum landing page before proceeding. We anticipate this form may take 5-10 minutes to complete. On the next page, you'll be prompted to select your pricing tier and input payment information.

If you have questions about this form or any other aspect of the Core Curriculum, please email



Tell us a little about how you found us, and which version of the curriculum you would like to take. The options are:

1) Learning Experience
(ENROLLMENT NOW CLOSED FOR SPRING 2024): Join a learning cohort and move through the experience together over the course of a predetermined 4-month period. New module content will be released to you on a bi-weekly basis, and you will have the opportunity to discuss each module in bi-weekly facilitated virtual discussion groups.

2) Self-Paced: Receive on-demand access to all eight of the curriculum's modules at once. You will have the opportunity to work through the video lessons, discussion questions, workbook, and other materials at your own pace and on your own timeline.


IDHA seeks to share the Core Curriculum with a wide audience, inclusive of people of different backgrounds, identities, intersections, perspectives, and relationships to transformative mental health. This section provides the opportunity to share some additional information about your background and identities so we can evaluate how we are doing with this goal. Most of these fields provide the opportunity to decline to respond, and we invite you to share only what feels comfortable for you.

This information is for internal IDHA use only. If you have any questions about the collection or use of registration data, please email us at:


IDHA seeks to make a wholesale impact on the mental health field, by transforming the way that mental health care is provided in various settings and formats. In order to help us understand the curriculum’s effectiveness in achieving this goal – and continually improve it – we hope to gain specific information from participants who are working in the field. The following questions will greatly help us achieve these goals. Thank you for your contribution to this effort!

If you aren’t a provider working within the field, select “this doesn't apply to me” for all of these questions.


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